Saturday, May 29, 2004

The Day After Tomorrow Reviews

Ok, sorry, I know I said this afternoon but I've been a little busy with my history homework (I'm taking a break). Ok, now for the review.

The Day After Tomorrow features, Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum and Sela Ward. If you haven't seen the trailers, ummm...Where have you been? It's simple, the world is going to end and only one man knows it. The problem is no one believe him. However, when the weather changes people start to believe him, except the Vice President.
This movie has some serious action in it. I actually really enjoyed it. There were some problems with it, particularly politically that and it's scientifically impossible. I'll openly admit it, I'm conservative, I don't believe that global warming is that big of a problem. That does not mean that I don't believe it exists. The Vice President in this movie doesn't believe it exists (who does this remind you of). (SPOILER WARNING) However, at the end he changes his mind and admits that it's different now and changes his mind. On a scale of 1-5 I'm giving this a 3.5. A little better than mediocre. If you want more, shoot me an email or leave a message.

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