Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hurray it's over!!!

The NHL lockout is all but over. Today the NHLPA ratified the new CBA and the end of the lockout is truly in sight. The Owners must ratify the deal tomorrow for the season to officially begin. For more on this story click here. Final count, a 309 day lockout (if the deal is ratified tomorrow). Welcome back HOCKEY!!

Gay Marriage

So I have spent a lot of time over the past few weeks talking about hockey. As of tonight the lockout is still not officially over, however is should be by late tommorow or on Friday. I have something completely different to talk about today.

Earlier today the Canadian "senate" stamped their approval on to the gay marriage bill that the Canadian legislature passed last week. Canada is now the fourth nation in the world to have legal gay marriage. Way to go Canada! What a bunch of idiots!!! Ask any Canadian what they think of gay marriage, I mean it ask them? You're going to hear, especially from the western part of the country (Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) that they don't think it's "right" and shouldn't be something that the government has any right to sanction. But no, the Canadian government, in it's infinite wisdom, decided to go against the will of the people and vote for gay marriage. So far, I have heard that Alberta's premier is working very hard to figure out how to make sure that Alberta is not under this new law. I don't know that much about Canadian law on this but I do know that provinces have something called the "not with standing" clause which basically allows a province to tell the federal government to go away and not bother them. Alberta has used this clause in the past, as mentioned I don't know if they can used it now. I plan to continue to follow this story and keep reporting on what I consider to be something that is not a good thing.