Friday, August 20, 2004

Day 7

As earlier reported by me, the Canadians in pairs rowing were disqualified. Today the decsion was upheld. For more on that story Now for you're daily Olympic medal count. Tonight it's just the overall medal count and things have moved around a little: USA, China, Russia. Australia falls to 4th and Canada wins a silver to make their total count of two and placing them in a 9-way tie for 17th.
And what games wouldn't be complete without a little judge contoversy. Now, I'll admit I'm a little biased, I think the Canadian should have won the fight. Today, a Canadian boxer was eliminated by a South Korean boxer. I watched the fight and in my opinion, the fight was very tilted, the Canadain landed more punches than were scored and the South Korean scored for no reason at all. In fact it seemed like if the Canadian scored the South Korean scored no matter what he through back. I'm sorry, I'm sick of judges who favor competitors. There is only one solution, complete impartiality. No judge can be from a country that is competing in the games, whether they are judging the actual event or handing out judging assignments. But that's one persons opinion.

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