Thursday, February 09, 2012


I admit it, I use iTunes. I know it's a resource hog, but I like it. Yes, I use Windows more than Mac but I keep up with both OS's and computers. iTunes have recently been giving me some headaches. Namely when I try to burn music to CD. It just spins up the disk and won't actually burn anything. The last time this happened I blamed the drive and rightfully so (other burn tests from Windows proved the drive didn't work). This time was different.
This time I had burned in iTunes less than a month ago so I knew it worked. This time I got an error message (which is a whole different blog about how for the most part without searching, error messages are useless). Thanks to the Internet I saw a lot of people got this same error. Apple error 4000. The fix for me was simple. When you're about to burn a playlist in iTunes 10 it brings up a preferences box. In that box there is a check box next to Use CD Text. Do not click that check box. I promise you will regret it. In my case with that checked my CD burner just starts spinning and won't stop even when I restart the computer. It requires a full shutdown to make it stop.I should note that I am using Windows 7 and that online I've seen complaints about this error and issue back to Windows XP.
Now I realize that most don't even know what CD Text is, but it's a feature that one of my stereos has and I would like to utilize it. I have no clue why it doesn't work but if it's causing so many errors why doesn't Apple just remove it? Unless of course it's a Mac only option in which case, why is it on the Windows version at all. Like I said the fix is pretty easy (once you get so frustrated manually shutting down your computer you accept facts you don't like, I promise you). Note as well that there are some complaining that even this fix doesn't work for them. I would avoid doing something like a registry clean, a vast majority of those are useless and do far more harm than good. Reinstall iTunes (just reuse the last version you downloaded or download a new version) and uninstall (then reboot to automatically re-install) your burner (this can be done by the following method, Device Manager (however you want to get there)>DVD/CD ROM Drives>(drive)>uninstall>reboot (when finished) and hopefully that will make life better for you.
Since I know I have like 2 readers it seems odd to ask a question like this but I'm going to anyways. First, how much time do you spend fighting with your computer? Second, where do you go when you want it fixed? Finally, what drives you crazy about computers and/or technology in general? I know it's a little extra to comment on my blog because of the moderation but I would appreciate you taking the time. Thanks!

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