Sunday, November 09, 2008

Personal Statement

Many of you who know me, know that I have been working on getting applications ready for Law school. Since I took the LSAT in February, I have been attempting to write my "personal statement." This of it as an entrance essay for Law school. All the advice I get from people keeps telling me to "just write it," or "get it done." The problem is no one will tell me what to write or how to get it done. Now some schools require that your personal statement answer a specific question. Most schools, however, do not. I have chosen to apply to a school that does not. I have not question to answer and therefore I have little to no way of "focusing" the paper. If anyone has any advice for me on how they got their statement done it would be of great help. I am trying to finish mine by the end of the month (November 2008). Thanks...Oh, and I will post other stuff soon, I promise.