Saturday, May 29, 2004

The Day After Tomorrow Reviews

Ok, sorry, I know I said this afternoon but I've been a little busy with my history homework (I'm taking a break). Ok, now for the review.

The Day After Tomorrow features, Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum and Sela Ward. If you haven't seen the trailers, ummm...Where have you been? It's simple, the world is going to end and only one man knows it. The problem is no one believe him. However, when the weather changes people start to believe him, except the Vice President.
This movie has some serious action in it. I actually really enjoyed it. There were some problems with it, particularly politically that and it's scientifically impossible. I'll openly admit it, I'm conservative, I don't believe that global warming is that big of a problem. That does not mean that I don't believe it exists. The Vice President in this movie doesn't believe it exists (who does this remind you of). (SPOILER WARNING) However, at the end he changes his mind and admits that it's different now and changes his mind. On a scale of 1-5 I'm giving this a 3.5. A little better than mediocre. If you want more, shoot me an email or leave a message.

The Day After Tomorrow

Just got back from viewing The Day After Tomorrow. I will have a full review by this afternoon. Have a good night!

Friday, May 28, 2004 - Top Stories - Nurse Finds Vital Signs in Child Pronounced Dead

Nurse finds boy alive after he is pronounced dead according to Fox Starting now, I'm going to make the rest of tonights posts just a little lighter and more fun and positive. This boy is alive again.

Nick Berg amendment

Please note the last link I put up, not the one to Lars Larson but the other does contain language that some may find offensive and I do apologize for that. I would recommend that you only read the upper portion of the story and stop when you reach a series of links. Thanks

Nick Berg conspiracy

Ok, I do not believe in conspiracy theories so take this for what it's worth. Nicholas Berg was murdered by terrorists in Iraq. There is very graphic video on the web, I will admit I have not seen the video in it's entirety, however I will make it available to you. Click here and it's on the left side of your screen, warning it is graphic and a very large file. However, that isn't the real reason for this post.
I'll admit I thought about this right away. What if Nick Berg isn't in the video? What if it's a setup? Don't get me wrong, Nick Berg was found murdered, beheaded in fact. However, if you click this link it will give you the conspiracy theory view. Again, I do not believe this, and you should view it at you're own risk. You can always send me your views by emailing me or posting over on the left.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Jessica Simpson to play Daisy Duke

According to Fox Jessica Simpson is going to play Daisy Duke in the up-coming Dukes of Hazzard movie. While it hasn't been confirmed Simpson is said to be close to "slipping into a pair of daisy dukes."
This story comes courtesy of

Single mom overwhelmed by recording industry suit

Tammy Lafky has a computer at home but said she doesn't use it. "I don't know how," the 41-year-old woman said, somewhat sheepishly. But her 15-year-old daughter, Cassandra, does. And what Cassandra may have done, like millions of other teenagers and adults around the world, landed Lafky in legal hot water this week that could cost her thousands of dollars.
A record company attorney from Los Angeles contacted Lafky about a week ago, telling Lafky she could owe up to $540,000, but the companies would settle for $4,000."I told her I don't have the money," Lafky said. "She told me to go talk to a lawyer and I told her I don't have no money to talk to a lawyer."
Lafky said she clears $21,000 a year from her job and gets no child support.
The music industry isn't moved. It has sued nearly 3,000 people nationwide since September and settled with 486 of them for an average of $3,000 apiece, according to the Recording Industry Association of America, which represents the major and minor labels that produce 90 percent of the recorded music in the United States.

This is cut up from the whole article, the link above is a link to the full story.
Now my opinion. Do I download right now? No. That's all I will say. I think the record company is this particular case needs back off. There is a quote from the article about how she didn't know it was illegal because her daughters friends were downloading constantly. Is ignorance of the law an excuse? Should the RIAA be persuing this case? Should they persue the illegal download at all? Let me know you know how.
More details about my last post. Sgt. Walters fought to the last bullet, was attacked by a bayonette and was then seperated from the rest of his company and then sat down in a chair tied up and shot twice in the back. This is still an ongoing investigation, if you find any errors in this post or any of my posts please leave me a message or drop me an email.

This document came down to me today.

Salem, Ore. - The family of Sgt. Donald Walters will hold a press conference to disclose additional information they have learned about their son's death after being formally briefed by a senior Pentagon official on Tuesday. Walters, initially reported as having been killed in action on March 23, 2003, was actually captured by Iraqi combatants, held separately from his fellow soldiers and killed while in custody.

Sgt. Walters has had his status changed from KIA (killed in action) to POW (prisoner of war). Sgt. Donald Walters, the first Oregonian killed in the War in Iraq is beginning to get the recognition he deserves. For more information shoot me an email or leave me a message with your email and I'll send you a copy of a document I've put together.

If you're wondering I live in Vancouver, Washington which is a little north of Portland, Oregon. Salem is the capital of Oregon and is just over an hour from where I live.

Ok, so I'm the last one to say this. But the winner of American Idol 2004 has finally been announced. I have to say that my candidate did not win but I have to give props. Fantasia Barrino is an amazing talent. Yes, the results are finally in and in a record vote of 65 million, Fantasia is the winner. Congrats to her and North Carolina, who I know y'all are extremely happy, especially after last years' defeat of Clay Aiken. For more information on American Idol click here. Runner-up Diana DeGarmo is just as amazing, I don't know where a 16-year old learned to sing like that but she is amazing.
Canadians, Canadian Idol starts Tuesday at 8 on CTV.
American Idol 4 (2005) starts up in January of 2005. Now that it's all over who did you want to win, let me know on the left.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

You know I really hate it when I forget the most important things in life. Ok, I'm kidding but I do have to post this. The NHL playoffs are currently going on, more specifically the Stanely Cup Finals. The Tampa Bay Lightning and Calgary Flames are playing each other and last night the Flames triumphed 4-1. For more info check out The Sports Network or CBC Sports or ESPN. I think that's enough options. And as always you can email me or leave a message on the left.
Are you ready for The Day After Tommorow? This is supposed to be the movie that the White House doesn't want you to see. Ummm...this movie is eye candy. The White House can't stop anyone from seeing this. The Los Angeles Daily News via has a great piece on the movie. Now for my question, leave me a message or drop me an email. Are you going to go see the movie? I know I am.
Check this quote out.
Over the last year this newspaper has shone the bright light of hindsight on decisions that led the United States into Iraq. We have examined the failings of American and allied intelligence, especially on the issue of Iraq's weapons and possible Iraqi connections to international terrorists. We have studied the allegations of official gullibility and hype. It is past time we turned the same light on ourselves.

So who do you suppose this quote is from? The Democratic National Commitee? A liberal think tank? No, this article is from the New York Times. Please note that this link will probably fail within 24-48 of this post. Just stuff I'm working on.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Yesterday, I posted my support for President George W. Bush. In the way of fairness, with a little spin, I am going to try to post information about the critics of President Bush as well as those who agree. Today's story is courtesy of Drudge Report and Hillary Clinton is the wife of Former President Bill Clinton and a senator from New York. For further information on this, please email me. And if you're wondering Senator McCain has said he will not be Senator Kerry's Vice President. Of course things in politics are always changing
The Associated Press is reporting that United States officials have recieved new intelligence that is credible that says the terrorists in the United States are planning an attack this summer. The information does not give a time or place but an AP inside source described the information as "a steady drumbeat of information that they are going to attack and hit us hard." AP Wire

Here's my question, do you believe anything will come of this? For more information on this story click here. Let me know your opinion by clicking the my email link in the upper left hand corner or send it to
So for history class I'm trying to find critics of the Warren Commision Report. Unfortunately, that report came out in a time when there was this archaic technology known as a book so it has a very limited articles on the web. If any of you know where I can go please email me. I'll update as I research today so you know what is going on in the world.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Ok, so shoot me. I know I haven't been very good about keeping this site up but what can you do. I'm still here. There have been some changes however. I am no longer at 104.1 The Fish as an intern. Yep, that's right I left one station for another. I am now an "associate" or as it's more commonly known intern for the Lars Larson Show on News Radio 750 KXL and the Westwood One Radio Network. For more info click here or here. I work for the national show not the local show. You know how to get a hold of me if you get lost. Yes, I'm still at Mt. Hood Community College and no my shift time hasn't changed. More coming soon I promise. Who knows I may even start putting up links to stuff along with commentary. Maybe I'll start right now.
Re-Elect President George W. Bush
Why re-elect President Bush? To put it simply he's the right man in the right job at the right time.
Why re-elect President Bush? Because the tax cuts need to be made permanent and not rolled back.
Why re-elect President Bush? Because the world needs to be free of terroism and President Bush is the one who has so far been willing to stand up and fight.
Don't believe me, just read his site and then read Senator John Kerry's Official Website.
For you Canadians I haven't forgotten about you. I implore you to elect Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada. For more information click here.
I will continue to follow the developments in Canada as well as down here in the United States of America. For more info please feel free to drop me an email by clicking the my email link in the corner.