Wednesday, May 28, 2008


It's the latest and greatest thing out there...Ok, maybe not but it is pretty cool to me. But hey, I'm a geek right. It's called Twitter. You go to and just sign up. From there you answer the question "What are you doing?" It doesn't matter how much or how little you "tweet." In my case I update from Outlook using a program called OutTwit or online at If you have a Mac you can use a program called Twitterific among others. While Twitterific isn't available for PC there are other programs out there that work fairly well. If you have Vista you can also get a sidebar plugin that may work for you. You can also recieve "tweets" on your cell phone via text messages or using mobile web through sites like Oh, and if you want to add me on your twitter page, it's ve6erc. Enjoy!