As a matter of fact I did. I know, I know I haven't posted since May. And for that I'm sorry. I wish I could say I've been busy (which is actually true). But that is really no excuse for not coming up with some pithy comment to post. As I write this post it's quite early in the morning. About an hour ago I tried to go to bed. I'm still awake and my brain was moving so fast that I had to get up and do something. Writing my thoughts out to the world seemed like a good idea. I have a whole bunch of topics to talk about but for now, I'll keep it short. There are several more posts in the works (don't laugh I'm really serious). Some might be funny, others inspirational and still more just musings. There will be complaints (as there have been on multiple occasions on this blog). There may also even be a few new podcasts and/or Vlogs in my future too. If I do podcast or vlog I'll make sure to put links here. Oh, check out the links on the right for my page. Any new video stuff I do will likely find its way there at some point (it's pretty limited right now, but I plan expansion). The podcast is already linked (and available in iTunes unless they kicked me off due to inactivity). Anyways, on to topics that I'm working on.1. Saying goodbye. How do you do it? I have some ideas especially when it involves a long radio career. I'll talk about how it affected me and why you should care.
2. Finding a job. No I can't help you find one, but I still need one, so it's something I'll talk about.
3. Hockey. Hey, what do you know it's not first on the list it's third, that's not too bad. Just in case you didn't know the season starts in a little over a month (preseason is in a couple of weeks).
4. What inspires you? This actually may get back to #1, but we'll see.
5. Politics and more. This one we'll see about, I'm not sure I'm ready to take this one on quite yet.
More? Probably, I have ideas that just run around my head a lot. I need to just remember them and start writing.
As always, thanks for taking the time to read. Comments must be approved by me before they are posted.
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