Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A Book

So I stayed up way to late last night reading a wonderful book. The author is William P. Young. Born in Alberta, Canada and raised in New Guinea. The book he wrote? It's simply called "The Shack." I have never read anything quite like this book. My mom handed it to me and said, "Read this, I'm not going to explain it, just read it." So when I picked it up last night at about 11:30, I figured I'd read it for a few minutes and put it down and go to sleep. Maybe it was the cold room I was in, maybe it was the authors writing style but something kept me reading until about 2 this morning. Yes, I read it cover to cover. What a story! I would highly reccommend reading it for yourself. You can find out more about the author and book at www.theshackbook.com. The authors' blog, which I would say wait until after you have read the book to read that is www.windrumors.com (some of what is written here won't make sense even if you do read it before the book). If you are having trouble with something in your life, even if it is the smallest thing in the world, this is a book that will help you. I know it will help me. If you have already read it, give it to someone else to read, if you haven't go get it, it's worth the 3 plus hours to read it. Tell me what you think by either commenting or emailing or myspacing me. Yes, I know this post is a bit cryptic, it is intentional. I don't want to give away any part of the book. Like I said read it, then go to the authors blog and the book website.

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