Friday, August 17, 2007


I love the news media, really I do. I love how there are 10 million opinions for a single story. I am a Skype user (great chat/telephony program I'm reading Google News this afternoon to do some last minute prep for the weekend shows I produce and a tech story catches my eye. Apparenetly in the past 24 hours Skype has been having a lot of difficulty with a large volume of users in mostly Asia and Europe (mine hasn't had any problems). In the past 24 hours (where Skype on their blog has promised that it would be resolved in that period) the critics have come out with articles entitled "Skype outage: An unprecedented wake-up call" or "Skype Experiences Growing Pains." Heaven forbid that a company have a problem. The articles complain about how the businesses were stranded and that there was no customer support complaint system with skype. Give me a break! It's an online internet chat program. You don't see tons of articles about AIM when it goes down for long periods of time. The sentiment I seem to be reading from the critics is that Skype should have known better and that because of this glitch there are tons of problems coming their way. Like competition, right because Yahoo! Messanger and AIM are not already established and have introduced and failed with voice? People just don't think. RRRRR....I like Skype, I would be a little frustrated if it went down but I think I could probably get over it, even if I had a business I would probably be ok, I mean there is still oh, email, other messaging programs, cell phones, landlines...ummm..fill in the _________ with some other piece of technology that communicates. Just one persons opinion

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