Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Ok, so there's this new thing happening in the world right now. Yeah, leave it to me to be like 6 months behind but Podcasting is starting to take off. What is podcasting? Well, as Adam Curry and the Daily Source Code say, "it's hard to describe". Adam Curry and more info about him can be found here. Steve Jobs, as quoted in the Daily Source Code says, "TIVo for your iPod". Here's the great thing, you don't have to have an iPod to do it. You just need a computer that can support iTunes and, at least for the time being, software known as iPodder, downloadable here. Steve Jobs, of Apple is saying that iTunes will soon incorporate the iPodder softwared and you can subscribe to Podcasts from iTunes, I can't wait for that to happen.
Podcasting is really hard to describe, imagine uncensored radio, in small segments, say no more than, oh about an hour. Now imagine being able to send it around the world. Yeah, it's that cool. While I don't understand the technology, I plan to spend some time over the next couple of days/weeks learning about it. Currently podcasting uses RSS 2.0 feeds, which, at least in my head right now seems really confusing. If I can get something going I will have a link to it here on my blog page, in fact my show notes and things will likely be posted here and also on my Myspace page (that link is on the left of your screen). Podcasting has been called the current "hottest thing in Radio" I figure I better get on board. If you know anything about podcasts please feel free to email me or post in my tagboard.

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