Saturday, December 03, 2005
Warned and Data
Monday, October 24, 2005
No more Blackberry?
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Sorry and Story
Thursday, October 06, 2005
NHL update
So, let's talk Hockey! Last night was the official start of the NHL season. All 30 NHL teams played. The big ones for me of course were the Canadian games. Toronto and Ottawa tangled and had the distinct honor of having the first regular season shoot-out. Ottawa tied the game late in the 3rd period and won the game in the shootout by having Dominic Hasek stop Toronto's attempts to score. Final score 3-2. Calgary and Minnesota played and because I'm sitting in class and don't really care whether Calgary wins or loses when it comes to Hockey, but they lost 6-3. Vancouver and Pheonix played, Wayne Gretzky made his coaching debut. Unfortunately for him, his team didn't do so well. Vancouver over Pheonix 3-2. Now for the game I really care about. Edmonton Oilers and Colorado Avalance, playing in Edmonton and the puck dropped at 8:30 Mountain time. Hockey was finally back in Edmonton and all the fans were pumped and ready. They left happy. Four goals in the first eight minutes had many thinking that it would be a scoring mess. But after the first eight minutes the goals stopped for a little while. With a whole new slew of enforcement rules and a much larger (4 ft wider than 2 years ago) penalties weren't exactly rampent but there were a lot of new rules calls. For more information on the new rules and more info on daily happenings of the NHL you can check out either or (powered by MSN). Hockey is finally back! Yes, I know I left out Montreal, they beat Boston 2-1.
P.S. Really I promise I'll tell you how much stuff is in the back of my brothers truck. I forgot so I have to ask him, I'll try to remember tonight.
Really, I promise
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Coming this week!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Radio for iPod's
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
NHL for 9-20-05
NHL on Sunday
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Last Night in the NHL
Friday, September 16, 2005
Let the Countdown begin
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Something Fun!

Ok, this isn't my truck, it's my brothers'. His truck has a two-inch blocks in the back and a four inch lift on the front. Let's play guess how much stuff is in his box? It's a lot of coffee stuff, like syrups and other stuff. Anyways, take a guess, I'll post soon what the real total is. Post to the tagboard or email with your guesses.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I love Canada!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Gay Marriage: Part 2
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Hurray it's over!!!
Gay Marriage
Earlier today the Canadian "senate" stamped their approval on to the gay marriage bill that the Canadian legislature passed last week. Canada is now the fourth nation in the world to have legal gay marriage. Way to go Canada! What a bunch of idiots!!! Ask any Canadian what they think of gay marriage, I mean it ask them? You're going to hear, especially from the western part of the country (Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) that they don't think it's "right" and shouldn't be something that the government has any right to sanction. But no, the Canadian government, in it's infinite wisdom, decided to go against the will of the people and vote for gay marriage. So far, I have heard that Alberta's premier is working very hard to figure out how to make sure that Alberta is not under this new law. I don't know that much about Canadian law on this but I do know that provinces have something called the "not with standing" clause which basically allows a province to tell the federal government to go away and not bother them. Alberta has used this clause in the past, as mentioned I don't know if they can used it now. I plan to continue to follow this story and keep reporting on what I consider to be something that is not a good thing.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
The Lockout Ends
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Where did the day go?
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
The NHL is back!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Podcasting is really hard to describe, imagine uncensored radio, in small segments, say no more than, oh about an hour. Now imagine being able to send it around the world. Yeah, it's that cool. While I don't understand the technology, I plan to spend some time over the next couple of days/weeks learning about it. Currently podcasting uses RSS 2.0 feeds, which, at least in my head right now seems really confusing. If I can get something going I will have a link to it here on my blog page, in fact my show notes and things will likely be posted here and also on my Myspace page (that link is on the left of your screen). Podcasting has been called the current "hottest thing in Radio" I figure I better get on board. If you know anything about podcasts please feel free to email me or post in my tagboard.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Oh, the fun we have
Monday, January 24, 2005
It has definitely been a long time since I have written here. It’s been a pretty busy couple of quarters. First, I pay tribute to the legend of night time comedy. Johnny Carson died in his California home yesterday, he was 79. Made famous for hosting the Tonight Show on NBC for nearly 30 years Johnny Carson made us all laugh. He made late night television into what it has become today. Johnny Carson was only 4 years younger than my grandfather, who also just died. My grandfather died on January 2. He was 83 and will be sorely missed. If you want to read a copy of the speech I gave at his memorial shoot me an email (follow the link on the left side) or leave a comment in the box and I’ll see that you get it ASAP. My X58 radio show is from 2-4 PST on Monday’s until the middle of March. Later