Michael Moore shows in Fahrenheit 9/11 two specific examples, according to the WW letter writer, that "revealed how ill-suited (President) George W. Bush is to be president." I plan on discrediting both of these claims.
First the writer in WW says
A seven-minute video capturing Commander-in-Chief Bush taking no action and instead continuing to read to school children after learning of the second plane crashing into the towers on Sept. 11. This is actual footage of a lost and confused George W. Bush, giving the public no indication of leadership.President Bush made the right choice. Which would you rather have, a man who immediately got up and began barking orders and scaring the children he was reading to, or a man who collected his thoughts and actually spent some time thinking about how to react? Contrary to what people think, I think he did react, when his Cheif of Staff leaned in and said that we (America) were under attack, his face reacted but he didn't get up. President Bush instead waited 7 minutes to get up and start making some decsions, he didn't scare the children, he didn't make rash decsions, he composed his thoughts and then stood before the nation and looked somewhat composed and ready to fight.
The letter writer then goes on to say
(Moore Shows)Footage of Bush on his monthlong ranch vacation unable to provide reporters with any substantive answers to what work, other than clearing shrub, he is doing as president. As I and many others saw it, the scene itself showed Bush's utter lack of comprehension concerning serious policy matters. The media did give Bush a free ride on his competency as president--this is Moore's point.I'm sorry, I saw the President while he was on "vacation" that man worked more than a whole lot of people I know when then go on vacation. He was all over the country, he had world leaders out at the ranch including Russian leader Putin and more. I'm sorry, so you spend some time out in the brush taking care of your ranch and you see world leaders, have a teleconference back to the White House every morning, come on, tell me honestly wouldn't you want to go on vacation where you could work and have a little fun too. Ok, I'm a techie geek and I would just do it to use the video conferencing.
I have said it before I will say it again, President Bush was, is and will be the right man in the right place at the right time. Please vote for President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney in 2004, but most of all please vote.
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