Tuesday, January 20, 2009

That Feeling!

Do you ever get "that feeling?" You know the one that where you had something you were going to do and now you can't remember what it was. I've been getting that feeling a lot. I'm sitting at home watching TV, reading through email and general messing around on my computer. I suddenly get an idea to do something on my computer. Now I don't go do it right away. I wait a second because I need to move or finish watching a segment or something like that. Then when I do want to actually look up whatever it was I've completely forgotten. I suppose most people would insert funny jokes here about how I'm old and how I'm constantly having senior moments but I don't think that's it. Maybe I'll figure it out soon. Either way I think writing this has actually jogged my memory. Maybe I should write a little more often. Oh, I promise something in the way of podcast will come soon. And I do promise more written blogs in the near future. I have a little more time than I have in the past year.

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